BRILLIANT West Country folk duo Tom and Barbara Brown will appear at Leigh Folk Club, at the Conservative Club in Railway Road on Friday, February 27.

With backgrounds in the tradition, the folk revival, education and arts management, Tom and Barbara have developed techniques for making mixed discipline shows, song clubs, concerts, workshops, singarounds. and much more. These excellent entertainers, singers and musicians perform with a wit that goes down a bomb with their audience.

Expect a night of treats from a twosome of great renown.

It starts at 8.15pm and admission is £5, everyone welcome.

On the night tickets will also be on sale for Calico's annual fund raising event 'Joe's Night' (in memory of the late Joe Roberts).

This year proceeds will be in aid of Christies Against Cancer.

It is being staged on Saturday, March 20 (7.30pm start) at St. Joseph's Hall in Chapel Street, Leigh. The bar is open until 11pm. Bar until 11pm.

Tickets at £7 are available from Kath Roberts on 01942 601878.