AT eight months of age James Kirby contracted meningitis and was left blind, deaf and paralysed.

Now at the age of 10 he is confined to a wheelchair but the plucky youngster can hear, speak and stand-up and is dreaming of a trip to Disneyworld -- which should come true thanks to the generosity of Hindley wellwishers.

On Friday night clubbers will pack into the Top Spot at Market Street, Hindley for a Las Vegas Casino night at a disco featuring exotic dancers to raise funds to send James on that dream trip.

Casino organiser Julie Scragg, of The Works, in Market Street, Hindley explained how James' plight tugged at her heart strings after she had arranged a race night to boost funds to send him on holiday.

"He's just so determined, I felt I had to do what I could to help," said Julie.

"At eight months old he was given just 48 hours to live. He has made tremendous progress and although he can't walk he can stand up for short periods and is thrilled with his latest electric wheelchair."

The charity night at the Top Spot begins at 7.30pm, admission is £7.50 at the door or tickets are available from the Top Spot or The Works, 44 Market Street, Hindley.