COUNCILLORS from three wards are available to meet residents at the following venues:

Hope Carr: Cllrs John O'Brien and Lynne Liptrot: St Mary's Church Hall, 6pm to 6.30pm on the first Friday of the month.

Cllrs Kevin Anderson and Lynne Liptrot: Albert Tatum Community Centre 6pm to 6.30pm on the third Friday in each month.

Cllrs Kevin Anderson and John O'Brien: Leigh Town Hall, 6pm to 6.30pm, on the fourth Friday in the month.

Lightshaw Ward: Cllrs Peter Franzen and Peter Solinas: Golborne Library, 6pm to 6.45pm every Tuesday; Laburnum Road Day Centre, 6pm to, 6.45pm, second and fourth Wednesday of the month (excluding April 28); Church Lane Community Centre, 6.15pm to 7pm, first and third Wednesday in the month (excluding March 3 and 17 and May 19 and public holidays).

Cllr David Kelly: Golborne Library, 2 to 3pm, first and third Friday in the month and 9.30am to 10.30am second and fourth Saturday in the month.

Ashton and Golborne: Cllr Nigel Ash: 2 to 3pm, first an third Friday in the month; Ashton Town Hall, 10am to noon, third Saturday in the month.

Cllr NIgel Ash with the community police: Ashton Town Hall, 11am to noon, last Thursday in the month.

Cllr Andrew Bullen: Ashton Town Hall, 10am to noon first Saturday in the month; Stubshaw Cross Methodist Church, 6.45 to 7.45pm second Friday in the month (excluding public holidays).

Councillors' surgery dates