DARRENERS can have their say on whether they think plans for an historic park are good for the community, or just bird-brained!

Bold Venture Park is to see a major overhaul of Hindle Aviary, built in 1901.

In its heyday it housed peacocks and budgies, but thanks to vandalism and age, it has become unsafe.

Now volunteer group the Friends of Bold Venture Park have bid for cash to replace it with a seating area, or pergola.

Harry Duxbury, chairman of the Friends of Bold Venture Park, said: "In the last few years it seems to be a target for regular vandal attacks. The nets have got torn off, and the woodwork has rotted. I think the time has come to demolish it."

Now the Friends, who carry out tasks for the Grade Two listed park, including fundraising and planting flowerbeds, are throwing the £23,500 pergola plans open to public consultation.

On the floor of the pergola would be a cobblestone mosaic showing birds which used to be housed in the aviary. If the local community agrees, building work could start in summer.

Mr Duxbury said: "The council has more or less declared it has become unsafe so it has to be taken down. A pergola will make the area much more attractive"

Peter Hunt, director of direct services for Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, said: "The development would consist of an elegant metal pergola to reflects the existing shape of the aviary and incorporate the original plaque.The council will work with the Friends group."

Anybody with ideas should contact Marion Roberts, the council's parks development officer. BB2 6DG. Phone or fax 01254 682525.