WORSHIPPERS have flocked to have their say on falling congregations in church.

Members of Leigh area parishes have responded to a national survey which is assessing the reasons why attendance is rapidly declining.

Organisers say they have been inundated with heart-felt pleas and seething protest at the way in which the mainstream churches are failing to give a moral lead to society and not listening to the voice of those left in the pews.

Chairman of the Church Survey Committee, made up of people from various denominations, the Rev John Willans, said people were glad to have the chance to make their voices heard.

The survey wants to know what makes people attend services and what could make them more appealing, why some people have stopped going and what would encourage new worshippers.

Views should be e-mailed to christian.survey@virgin.net or sent to Church Survey UK, The Vicarage, Clayhill Road, Leigh, Surrey, RH2 8PD.