NUMEROUS former mining communities in the Leigh area are celebrating a cash injection of over £180,000 from the Coalfield Regeneration Trust.

An information day held in July last year at Mornington High School, Hindley, increased awareness and encouraged many groups to apply for funding from the trust.

Leigh MP Andy Burnham, who spearheaded the event, is pleased so many groups applied.

He said: "I am delighted that we are beginning to get a fair share of this money.

"I would encourage all groups or anyone planning a community project to investigate the possibility of funding from the Coalfield Regeneration Trust."

Among the many groups who received part of the £180,000 was the Red Rose Steam Society, based at Astley Green Colliery, who are using their £24,000 award for a restoration programme at their pit site, Higher Folds Community centre (£23,365), Atherton Laburnum Rovers (£10,000), Eastleigh Labour Club (£8,000), Golborne Band (£5,000), and the Westleigh Village Bowling Club (£3,243), Gin Pit village (£2,531) and Golborne and Lowton Community Forum (£2,355).