TEENAGERS are being offered a 'reel' alternative to hanging around in Blackburn town centre.

The latest Bollywood movies are now being shown on a weekly basis at Blackburn Library to keep youngsters entertained and off the streets.

The films on Saturday afternoons have been running for more than a month and are proving a success with 40-60 young people attending each sitting.

Drama workshops have also been set-up to provide an alternative to standing on the streets.

The move follows controversy over youngsters hanging around in the shopping centre in gangs intimidating shoppers and upsetting shopkeepers.

Coun Hussain Akhtar has previously called for young Asian people not to hang around Blackburn town centre.

And the shopping centre manager Arnold Wilcox-Wood hit out at young 'Goths and Moshers' hanging around on Church Street, the council's £2million regeneration centrepiece.

The film showings and drama workshops are being run by Blackburn with Darwen Council after young people in the shopping precinct were asked what activities they would like to see for them in the town centre.

The results showed that teenagers would like somewhere to go and relax with their friends and films were mentioned by at least 75 per cent of the young people consulted.

To ensure a big turnout, a team promoted the activity from 12.30pm in the shopping centre and the film starts at 2pm.

Coun Akhtar said: "Young people have been responding positively to these new initiatives."