THE RULING Labour Group of Blackburn with Darwen Council is to recommend a council tax rise of just 2.9 per cent.

Coun John Millburn, executive member for resources, today confirmed the figure to be recommended at a full meeting of the Council on March 1.

He said: "This is one of the lowest, if not the lowest, council tax rise in Lancashire and is the result of good housekeeping over recent years by the ruling Labour group.

"Recently judged an 'excellent council' by the Audit Commission we have been able to keep the increase to an absolute minimum while continuing to improve our services."

Further details of the council's spending plans for 2004/05 will be announced at the finance council meeting on March 1.

Details of the Lancashire Police Authority and fire and rescue precepts which will determine the final figure to tax payers are still awaited.

Coun Kate Hollern, deputy leader of the council, said: "Efficiency savings and additional external funding from the Government and other agencies mean major initiatives in Blackburn with Darwen town centres and in the housing market renewal area will continue and expand."

Leader of the Conservative party, Coun Colin Rigby, said the proposal was exactly what he had expected.

He said: "We got a more than generous settlement from central government so this is just what I expected, no more and no less.

"We expected a low tax this year because the elections are due in June."