BLACKBURN businessman John Stone sells gas fires in the week, but burns fuel in altogether different way on the weekend.

As the 40-year-old managing director of Legend Fires in Glenfield Business Park, Whitebirk, is also arguably the best rally driver in the North West.

John is currently the North West rally champion and drives at speeds of up to 120mph in his MG Metro 6R4 300 horsepower speed machine.

But the father-of-two said that being managing director of his own company is even more stressful than rallying!

He said: "Rally driving is something I enjoy doing, it's my passion. But there's more stress in running the business and it has to take priority.

"However, one of the reasons I started the business was to have the economic means to buy a rally car."

And now John certainly has the means to support his passion. From setting-up Legend Fires in 1996, with just himself and his father Mike, who worked for free, the company has grown to one with 27 employees and a £5million annual turnover.

The former Witton Park High School pupil has been a car enthusiast for as long as he can remember.

He said: "I have always been interested in cars. A couple of uncles of mine used to go stock car racing in Nelson and Colne.

"One of my first recollections was of my uncle sat with a blonde woman on top of his stock car and I thought 'I like the look of that!'"

John has come a long way from his first rally car, a clapped-out Fiesta - his two MG Metros are together valued at around £140,000.

But his experience does not prevent him from still feeling pre-race nerves.

He said: "I do get frightened before an event. I have crashed before in 2002, when we rolled the blue car and had to build a brand new one.

"But the cars are very protective and we are very safety conscious."

However, John has yet to convince wife Bronya of the safe aspect of the sport.

He said: "She doesn't like me doing it, but she knows I won't stop.

"She has never actually been in the car with me...I can't imagine why!"

And John said he is set to continue rallying as long as he enjoys it.

John has decided to put investment into his sport by sponsoring the North West Stages Rally, which takes place on Saturday at three venues throughout Lancashire.

The stage at Clifton Marsh, near Preston, is open to the public with a park-and-ride scheme being operated.

For more information on the event visit