LOVING daughter Eileen Atherton was in a quandary when she was diagnosed with cancer and had a 91-years-old mother to look after.

The duo had to rethink their lives when it became impossible for Eileen, 70, who lives in Hindley Green, to visit her mum, Lily Ollerton, every day at her Briar Grove home in Leigh.

One day Eileen was shocked when her mother announced that she wanted to move into nearby Hourigan House after years of fearing a future in a care home.

She was even more surprised when they both visited the Myrtle Avenue residence and found clean, sweet smelling surroundings, lovely rooms and a delicious aroma coming from the kitchen.

Jolly Lily, an outgoing life and soul of the party type, moved in for a two weeks trial last August and loved it so much she has been there ever since.

As a result Eileen wants to change people's ideas of old folk's homes.

She said people usually read about the bad bits, about residents not being cared for and unclean, falls and horrid staff.

Well at Hourigan House she says the carers have a smile and kind word for everyone, there's lots of activities, exercising and trips arranged and her mother is so happy she has started a completely new life. At 91 that can't be bad.

Because of her mum's contentment Eileen's own mind is now more settled and she now visits her twice a week.

She said the manageress, Elaine Wilson, and her wonderful staff deserve a big thank you for making them both very happy in what is left of their lives.

She also hopes this glowing recommendation may give another elderly person, or their sons and daughters, a different view of care homes.

The greatest praise is the fact that Eileen wouldn't mind moving in herself.

I always wondered why we cover so many 100th birthdays at the home. The reason now seems obvious.