I would like to bring to the attention of readers and non-readers alike the increase in 'Parkies' in our town.

Or should I say people who sit in cars outside people's houses like they are on surveillance duty or something. I've noticed them and I'm sure you have too.

The whole act is not as baffling as it sounds but still requires a little explaining. Basically you get a car and some friends and sit in the car chatting about life and stuff. You play some tunes and every now and then you have to go to the petrol pump to get some munchies or answer to the local bobby.

That's it really. Interesting isn't it. The only reason you do it is because you don't have someone's flat to crash out at.

In days gone by we didn't have cars so you had to park your bikes up on a street corner and have a bag of crisps. But things change and parents buy their children motors before getting them an education - such is life.

So I suppose they've always been around and have become a common feature in the urban jungle. But I feel some 'Parkies' are beginning to take advantage of residents' good nature.

For instance littering the street. Listen up! Bring a Tesco bag with you like your mum does when wedding foods are being handed out and put your rubbish in there. Be a early evening parkie not a midnight parkie.

And if you are going to park outside someone's home at two in the morning at least have the common courtesy to turn the music down. I don't want to know if 'It's my birthday' just when the freeview starts.

Also don't try staring down everyone who drives past your car. This is not a film. We are not in Boyz in the Hood and Ice Cube is not going to do a driveby.

And for heaven's sake, save the dodgy stuff for the car park.

It's not just under age ones who require a lesson in good manners but now we had their older cousins out in force during the winter. A lot quieter I must admit but four in the morning, sat in a car with a couple of guys? There must be something better to do at your age?

Now I'm not saying ban them or anything because I was a hardcore Parkie once. And sometimes when she kicks me out I'm forced into becoming one again. All I'm asking for is a cut-off time. Otherwise it looks like you're planning to commit a burglary or something and that's not good for my heart.