RESIDENTS living near to a path threatened with closure are urging people to carry on using it.

The walkway, leading from Pavilion Walk to Osborne Walk in Radcliffe, has been used as a public footpath since 1965.

But now Bury Council's housing department is deciding whether to close it, while residents are hoping to have it registered as a public right-of-way and have amendments made to the definitive map at Bury Council.

The land is owned by the housing department, and has been used as a footpath for 39 years. It is surrounded by council-owned allotments, council land and the gardens of people living in Osborne Walk.

But over the past four years, a resident living nearby has tried to stop the public using it as a footpath, by placing obstructions and notices around the path.

Miss Jenny Stobart, of nearby Melton Street, said: "The council is very close to making a decision about this, but people living nearby are under the assumption that the path cannot be used until the decision is final. That is not the case -- people can continue to use it as they wish."

A petition was organised by some of the users and sent to Bury Council, and a decision regarding the future of the path is to be made in the next month.

A spokesman for Bury Council said: "An application has been received by the council for the modification of the definitive map under section 53(5) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

"The council, as the highway authority, must investigate and determine the application. We have now completed the evidence gathering and shortly expect to be in a position to make a decision."