TRADERS claim shoppers and stallholders are being inconvenienced by the early closing of public toilets at Preston market.

They claim the toilets have been closing at 4.30pm or even earlier, while most market stalls and city centre shops do not close until 5.30pm.

This has forced shoppers wanting to spend a penny to go elsewhere.

Preston Market Traders' Federation branch chairman, David Maudsley, 51, said: "It's ridiculous. They should be open again during all business hours till 5.30 or 6pm when a lot of people have just finished their shopping.

"The nearest other public toilets are a long walk away at the bus station which is a tremendous inconvenience to both traders and shoppers."

Although some of the traders have been using a private toilet in the indoor market, this facility is not open to members of the public.

Janet Singleton, 43, of Kath's Fabrics added: "Many traders and shoppers have to travel to come to Preston city centre, and most people want to go to the loo before they drive home. They should be open later." City Councillor Harold Parker, executive member for resources said the toilets should close at around 5pm but admitted they have sometimes been closing earlier due to staffing restrictions. He insisted the council was aiming to resolve the problem. He added that the toilets are cleaned between 5pm and 5.30pm and have to be closed then due to health and safety concerns.

Following inquiries by The Citizen, Coun Parker conceded it may be possible to extend the opening hours to a later time by opening the toilets later each morning."