EMERGENCY safety measures are being considered to protect cocklers venturing onto Morecambe Bay's sands.

New working guidelines are being discussed, which could require cockle pickers to wear lifejackets and carry emergency communication devices.

Morecambe and Lunesdale MP Geraldine Smith has called for the Bay to be closed until a full health and safety investigation has been done.

She has discussed the issue with leaders from the Health and Safety Executive and the North Western and North Wales sea fisheries committee.

After a meeting on Saturday, she told the Citizen emergency safety guidelines were being considered for people using the shore.

"Morecambe Bay is a massive workplace and, while the HSE is saying it doesn't have the power to close the cockle beds, it does have the power to prohibit people from working there if it is deemed to be too dangerous.

"I want to see them enforce these guidelines. I believe the Bay is too dangerous. They must take some action and quickly."

Hugh Davies, HSE head of operations, has written to the MP this week highlighting the HSE's lack of powers to close the beds.

But he said an inspector could service a Prohibition Notice if he believed any activities being undertaken involved a risk of serious personal injury.

The HSE is currently looking at possible safety guidelines and is meeting as many people involved in the industry, including the coastguard and the North West gang master forum.