A COUNCILLOR has been criticised after switching her party allegiance just days after being selected as a Labour candidate.

Councillor Judith Robinson, who has represented Walverden ward in Nelson for five years, was yesterday welcomed into the Liberal Democrat party.

She was selected as a Labour candidate for her ward last Friday.

Labour group leader Frank Clifford said he was "shocked and disappointed" at her change of allegiance.

Coun Robinson has pledged to write to all residents in her ward to explain her decision, which she said was based on disillusionment with the government and a frustration with the local Labour party.

It is not yet known whether she will fight a seat for the Lib Dems at the forthcoming council elections in June.

Coun Robinson said: "I have become more and more disillusioned with the Labour Government over a number of issues that are important to me.

"I was strongly opposed to the invasion of Iraq and am dismayed that the reason given - weapons of mass destruction - has turned out not to be true.

"I also think the Labour Party has lost its way over things like foundation hospitals and tuition fees.

"I do not expect to walk into a nomination but I hope that my new party will consider me very seriously."

Coun Clifford said: "I'm very shocked at this, because Judith always discussed with me, as leader of the Labour group, any problems she had.

"Only last week she was knocking on the doors of Labour party members asking them to select her for the seat, which they did, and those people will feel very let down when they hear about this.

"It's a kick in the teeth for them and it appears to be without reason, as I can't see what has changed since last week.

"I can only guess the Lib Dems must have offered her something and it appears she will say anything to get something she wants."

The chairman of Pendle Council's Lib Dem group, Coun David Whipp, said: "We all understand the traumas many members of the Labour Party are going through at present and we applaud Judith for her courage in moving to a party which is much more in line with her beliefs.

"Breaking old allegiances is never easy but we hope that other disillusioned Labour members will now join her."

Lord Tony Greaves, chairman of the local Lib Dem party, was defeated by Coun Robinson when he stood against her in Walverden two years ago.

He said: "Judith will be a real asset to our party and I trust and believe she will really feel at home with us."