I SEE from the fledgling England First Party's letter last week that it is learning rule one in politics: only tell them what you want them to hear.

The EFP says it has policies like keeping council tax rises below five per cent, shrinking council bureaucracy, saving local amenities and opposition to the sale of council assets.

However, if it wants to get the council tax rise down while making economies, spending more on amenities and selling no assets, it would have to find around an extra £250,000. So the real question is: what gets cut under the EFP plans?

The EFP also says it is getting support for other policies like dealing with asylum, withdrawal from the EU and saving the pound. But I wonder whether it would get support if it mentioned its more extreme policies such as ending all non-European immigration, forced repatriation, the abolition of public order acts and race laws, withdrawal from the UN and ending Israel's existence.

It's all a bit school playground really. You take a bunch of under achievers, form a gang, give everyone an important job and then tell everybody how bad things are and who's to blame.

I'm sure none of my neighbours are falling for it, so let democracy be done.

Russell O'Shaughnessy, Heysham South.