I WISH to reply to the letter from 'Free Man' published last week. I would not normally answer such a coward but as he makes some of the most vile remarks I have ever read, I feel I must do so.

First of all he claims that the England First Party is a 'racist fascist Nazi front'. Nothing could be further from the truth, as anyone who checks out our website at www.efp.org.uk can see.

We are an English Nationalist party who oppose most strongly the anti-white racism that comes from the left wing that people like 'Free Man' represent.

The England First Party is not, never has been nor never will be the registered name for the White Nationalist Party (WNP). The WNP is a completely separate political party which is in the process of registering with the electoral commission.

Some WNP members are also members of the England First Party, but most are not. This is a democracy and so anyone can be a member of whichever party they want.

As to the claim that the England First Party 'includes people who would have voted Hitler into power', this is highly unlikely as we are an English Nationalist party, who have nothing in common with the German Socialists and we have nobody in our party who is either German or aged at least 89!

'Free Man' then goes on to talk about our 'record of violence and intimidation'. I would like to know which members of the Party have such a record because this is just a blatant lie. If he thinks he knows otherwise then please tell - but I won't hold my breath while waiting for an answer..

Finally 'Free Man' urges every-one to vote for a truly democratic party. On this point I agree with him and urge the voters of Heysham South to vote next Thursday, hopefully for the England First Party, but if not then for one of the other five candidates. We are lucky to live in a democracy and should not waste this opportunity.

Mark Cotterill, chairman, England First Party.