I would like to reply to D T Abbotts Insurance Anger letter in the Journal .

If they thought the insurance motion was a waste of time and money then they will be amazed and disappointed to read that Andy Burnham has

tabled a motion demanding an apology from the editor of the Radio 4 Today programme.

What an absolute waste of time and tax payers money to submit a motion which is based purely on political grounds. This motion serves no purpose to anybody other than himself and the party he represents.

Mr Burnham must also be incredibly naive and out of touch with the people he is alleged to represent if he does not agree with the statement from the programme: "The people of this country still believe we were misled about the nature of the threat from Iraq to this country".

Even the Prime Minister admitted that he took us to war without knowing that the 45-minute claim in the dossier referred only to battlefield weapons.

Need I say more?

Jonathan Miller

Newton Road
