THE GOVERNMENT has said 'yes' to St Annes having its own parish council, a separate voice to Fylde Borough Council.

Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott has given the go ahead for the new body after being petitioned by the St Annes Town Council Steering Group, including resid\ents, business people and community group members.

Mr Prescott's new Fylde (Parish) Order 2004 will come into force on April 1, creating a new civil parish of St Annes on the Sea, recognised by Fylde Borough Council.

But the parish council's all-postal elections will be delayed until June 10 to run alongside the European Elections to keep costs down.

St Annes borough councillors will be the 'caretaker administration' for the new parish council until the elections, the steering group said.

Group spokesman Fred Moor said: "The government had a few concerns about the proposed boundary of St Annes with Ansdell, and has asked their Boundary Committee to look into this aspect with a view to slight modifications in this area.

"Needless to say, the steering group is very pleased at the news that the people of St Annes are going to get a voice of their own."

The process began in July 2002 when seven community groups, including St Annes Chamber of Trade and Lytham St Annes Civic Society, held a public meeting calling for a town council, leading to the forming of a steering group.

Last July the group handed a 3,000 signature petition for a parish council to government. By this July the new council -- possibly renamed as a town council -- should be up and running.

Apart from being an opinion gathering body, a parish or town council is responsible for various community matters such as provision of leisure facilities, street lighting, footpath maintenance, and carrying out functions delegated by the borough council. They are usually funded by a council tax precept levied on residents.

St Annes Town Council Steering Group continues its seminars on the workings of town councils with a meeting, open to all, on February 24 at St Annes Town Hall, at 7pm. For more details log on to or telephone 728047.