ELENI Ioannides, Bury Council's director of social services, health and housing, has been elected chairman of the Greater Manchester Association of Directors of Social Services (GMADSS).

GMADSS is the local branch of the national professional body representing social services bosses across the country.

It is influential in helping to develop national policies in the social services arena, covering issues such as social work, care for older people and looked after children and adoption and fostering.

Eleni, who joined Bury Council in August 2002, said: "GMADSS provides heads of social services locally with an opportunity to consider how to learn from each other, respond to national initiatives, share information and support each other in an area of public services which is rarely out of the public spotlight.

"Within the group, individual directors will often take the lead in a particular area such as mental health, human resources and children and then feedback to others saving us all time and energy. The group is very supportive and meets quarterly and everyone benefits from sharing experiences."

Recent topics discussed locally include dealing with unaccompanied asylum-seeking children, agreements on funding with health partners, setting up joint meetings with primary care trust chief executives, how to respond to proposed cuts in Supporting People funding, and collaborative arrangements across the group to access research and contribute to organisations which met common needs.

Councillor Mike Connolly, Bury Council's executive member for health, and social services, said, "I am delighted for Eleni as this is an honour for her as much as an opportunity to put Bury right at the heart of the development and discussion of social services issues across Greater Manchester."