"I'VE run out of things to say!" was player-coach Tim Fourie's reaction to Sedgley Park's latest defeat.

"We missed tackles, our decision making was poor and we continue to do the wrong thing at the wrong time.

"Several times we created a 'miss-match,' where, for example, our two centres found themselves up against against a prop and a stand-off, but we constantly made the wrong decision and failed to exploit the situation.

"Also our touch kicking under pressure is terrible and we continue to make silly mistakes.

"No game is easy any more, and since Christmas we have thrown away eight points."

With no game on Saturday, the Tigers will be able to rest their aches and pains and hopefully give injuries a chance to heal, particularly the one to influential prop Hugh Thomas.

When the team returns to action, Fourie expects his players to show a lot more pride in their play.

"It's all about motivation," he said: "It doesn't matter whether I'm paid or not, I want to come off the pitch after a game with the opposition saying, 'Well played No.8.'

"If they don't then I don't feel like I've given everything I could. It's all about pride in your own performance.

"I think we have too many guys who aren't motivated enough, so I'll be making changes."

The top of the table is getting tighter and tighter, and with Nottingham taking over the leadership on points difference, and third-placed Nuneaton now only three points behind Park, Fourie sees Saturday 20 March as possibly a decisive date in the calendar.

"It's the day we play Nuneaton at Park Lane," he explained.

"It's another six-pointer. We've struggled recently on the road, so to get such an important game at home could be hugely important."