THE fight against controversial plans for an office block on a rare patch of green land will go on -- even after councillors were advised to support the scheme by their own officers.

Blackpool councillors will discuss Asda's scheme, for a three-storey office block at land off Warren Drive, at a meeting next Monday (February 23).

But Norbreck ward Cllr Peter Callow is urging opponents of development on the land to pack the Development Control committee meeting, which is open to the public, and encourage councillors to reject the scheme.

"It is a bitter blow that the council planning officers have recommended approval," he said: "I find it unbelievable that this has been recommended.

"The development control committee has, in recent times, turned down a number of applications that have been supported by planning officers.

"I'm looking, and I'm sure the people of Norbreck and north Blackpool are looking, for this application to be turned down."

Opponents of the scheme fear it will increase existing flooding problems, create traffic chaos and deny the north of Blackpool one of its last remaining green areas.

Outline planning permission had previously been given for office development on the site.

Last year, the committee turned down plans for 13 two storey office buildings on the scheme, on the advice of officers. That proposal is due to go to a public inquiry in June.

The latest edition of Blackpool's local plan looks set to allocate the Warren Drive land as green open space, but that is unlikely to come into force until next year. This angers opponents of the office development, as the plan was scheduled for introduction in 2001.

"This is a test of councillors' resolve. Are they prepared to protect this land at all costs? The public needs to show their support. This is no time to be throwing in the towel."