A GROUP of Lower Darwen residents have got together to try and stop motorists using their roads as a rat run.

And they have been offered a helping hand from a road safety organisation.

Villagers say drivers travel down Duchess Street, Greenbank Terrace and Lower Eccleshill Road too fast, making it difficult for people to cross the road.

Last night residents met to form the Lower Darwen Road Safety Panel to try to have the speed limit reduced from 30 miles an hour to 20.

The group also wants a roundabout installed at the junction of Milking Lane and Greenbank Terrace.

Graham Carter lives in nearby Kingsway and has to use an electric scooter to get around because of arthritis and a pulmonary fibrosis, which affects the lungs.

He said: "When they built the M65 motorway they put in a run-off parallel to it which comes through the village and people are using it as a rat run.

"It's busy first thing in the morning and at teatime, but it's about the time when there are mothers and children trying to cross the road. Even during the day they come sweeping off the motorway.

"It's impeding the elderly and deterring people going to the shops. My mother is 86 and she said she would not go down there again.

"We are going to push to get a reduced speed limit. People park their cars all down one side so it's narrowed anyway. They charge through the village.

"We don't want to ban people, we just want them to drive safely. We have two schools round here."

Adrian Emberton, acting project manager for the Lancashire Road Safety Partnership, said: "We will be happy to look at any requests they have and help them and advise on how to go about things."