I HAVE just read on Ceefax that Bury MBC is to conduct an investigation into the nine-year suspension of a teacher at Woodhey High School, Ramsbottom. As usual, it appears to be a case of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. This attitude should not surprise anyone with any knowledge of the internal workings of the council.

Readers should not be surprised to learn that this is only one example of the ineptitude of the council in relation to personnel issues.

It is my understanding that approximately two years ago, a council officer was suspended for approximately one year, again on full pay, whilst numerous investigations were carried out by the Internal Audit Section, resulting in his return to work after "a slap on the wrists". Shortly after his return, he was again suspended on full pay, although no disciplinary action was taken. After several months, with neither party offering a compromise, the officer was allowed to leave, having negotiated I believe a settlement of one year's salary, approximately £25,000.

The public have the right to know how their council tax is being spent or, in my opinion, wasted. If this payment was made, in the way I describe, then they need assuring that it was made legally and took into account National Insurance and Income Tax liabilities on both sides. I would like the District Auditor to investigate this matter, as an internal investigation would surely find nothing wrong with the way in which the council acted.