A BLACKBURN man smashed his mother's windows when she told him she didn't want either him or his dog living at her home, a court was told.

Blackburn magistrates heard that the "love me, love my dog" bust up ended with Paul Creasey being arrested in a pub where he was found with blood on his jacket and a cut hand.

Creasey, 21, of Mosley Street, pleaded guilty to damaging windows belonging to Mary Allen and an earlier offence of being drunk and disorderly.

The case was adjourned until March 11 for the preparation of pre-sentence reports after the court was told that Creasey was already subject to a community rehabilitation order.

Joanne Close, prosecuting, said Creasey's mother had told him she didn't want him living at her home any more. On Wednesday night he turned up wanting her to look after his dog but she ignored him. A front window was smashed and as Mrs Allen was calling the police she heard a rear window smash.

When interviewed Creasey said he didn't get along with his mother and the argument had started because she wouldn't let him leave his dog there.

Louise Voce, defending, said Creasey was extremely concerned about his dog and wanted his mother to look after it. She added: "She ignored him and then swore at him and this aggravated him even further."