A SLEEPY East Lancashire village was transformed into a bustling hive of activity as cameras rolled for a house clearance with a difference.

Hundreds of bargain hunters packed into the village hall in Hurst Green to rub shoulders with camera crews and producers as an East Lancashire woman prepared to hit the screen

Barbara Waller, of Langho, became a reality TV star for the day after inviting the makers of a programme to help her clear her loft so she could take her family on holiday.

The pensioner's loft has been packed to the rafters with thousands of items inherited from the homes of seven relatives over the last few years.

Now she is to star in ITV's Everything Must Go next month, selling off the contents of her loft.

The programme features people selling the contents of their homes and is normally filmed in the subject's home. But Barbara had accumulated so much stuff, the sale had to take place in Hurst Green village hall.

Hundreds turned up yesterday to grab a bargain as the cameras rolled. The sale included items of china, furniture, silver, war medals, kitchenware and other collectables, and raised £1,088.

Presenter Adrienne Lawler said the hall had been chosen for the sale because of the sheer volume of stuff.

Barbara said: "It's all inherited from two aunts. In fact I have had stuff from seven houses over the last few years from relatives who have passed away.

"My daughter is getting married in August and there will only be me and my son left. We don't need a four-bedroomed house. If we move we won't have the room for it. What doesn't sell I will take to auction. "I watch the programme while I'm having my lunch and thought it was about time I got rid of my clutter. I wrote and thought no more about it until I got the reply. I was a bit shocked.

"I didn't know what to expect, I'm amazed how many people are here."

After the sale she said: "We have still got a bedroom full of stuff but that's a vast improvement on what it was before. I would like to use the money to take my family on holiday to Canada now." The programme is scheduled to be screened on ITV at 2pm on Friday, March 19.