THE victim in an assault trial was left crying in the witness room at Blackburn magistrates court after her assailant shouted that she was a liar and that he was going to "have" her.

Blackburn magistrates heard that Aaron Parker's outburst was delivered through a locked door but still left Susan Gilbert badly shaken because of the previous history of violence against her.

But, imposing a non-custodial sentence on Aaron Michael Parker, the chairman of the bench said: "We wish you all the best with your new job and try and keep your temper under control."

The magistrates also wiped £110 off the money Parker already owed the court.

Parker, 32, of Haslingden Road, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to witness intimidation. He was made subject to a community rehabilitation order for 12 months and ordered to pay £50 costs.

Peter Wilde, prosecuting, said Miss Gilbert was the victim in an assault case and had come to court to give evidence against Parker. On the day of the trial he had pleaded guilty and was ordered to pay compensation and given a conditional discharge for 18 months.

He said Miss Gilbert knew Parker was in the building and didn't want to leave the witness room. "She heard a man shouting and immediately recognised the voice as that of her former partner," said Mr Wilde.

"He shouted that she was a lying bitch and then said: "I'm going to have you for this. She started crying and was genuinely scared about what might happen," said Mr Wilde.

Miss Gilbert later told police: "I felt very scared and didn't want to give evidence. I feared for my safety even though I was behind a locked door."

Elizabeth Parker, defending, said Parker was due to start a three week training course which, if he completed it successfully would lead to a job in the gas supply industry.