A CHURCH in Bacup is opposing plans for a new skateboarding area in a nearby park.

St Saviour's Church and the Church of England Manchester Diocese have both written to Rossendale Council objecting to Groundwork Rossendale's proposals for a skate and seating area on the old St Saviour's School site, in Stubbylee Park.

The plans are due to go before Rossendale Council's development control committee tomorrow and borough planning officers have recommended that they be approved.

The church and diocese are concerned that teenagers from other areas will congregate at the site, that it will be noisy and that it will substantially increase the incidents of graffiti at the grade II listed church.

They claim that there are other more suitable locations for a skateboard area, including Stacksteads recreation ground, Thorn Estate Park, in Bacup and the Regal Cinema site, in Bacup.

But planning officers have said that while it would mean the park was in greater use, the skateboard area would not create a noise nuisance.

In a report to the development control committee Groundwork Rossendale states: " The scheme has resulted from a long and detailed period of consultation with the local community, support from relevant council committees and the Stubbylee Park Steering Group."