DEPUTY Prime Minister John Prescott and a troupe of modern dancers are an unlikely combination - but they joined forces to give the new-look Church Street, Blackburn, a stylish launch.

And news that the enterprising renovation of the Pavilions - for so long an embarrassing eyesore - has attracted its first tenant is the icing on the cake.

The plan to pedestrianise Church Street had its fair share of detractors right from the start and the sculptured fountains that adorn it are not everyone's cup of tea.

Turning one end of the street into a car park for shoppers has also been criticised as diluting the concept of a vehicle-free avenue.

But only the most diehard sceptic could argue that Church Street is now anything but a huge improvement on the formerly boring, traffic-choked thoroughfare.

The stunning transformation of the Pavilions has taken a long time but is a tribute to vision. It also shows how wrong were those who said that demolition was the only answer.

The weather may be a slight problem in totally achieving the original dream of a continental-style boulevard with an outdoor cafe society but the planned indoor coffee house and art gallery is a grand step in the right direction.

When Lord Square is also transformed Blackburn's town centre should truly be stepping into the 21st century.