THIS government is to give housewives £20 a week travel money to find work and one of these areas to be piloted is in Blackburn. What a joke and a shameful waste of money.

A lot of women in this town don't want to work. This is just one of the aims of some women becoming single mothers. Also, some married women think because they have children they should not work.

In my era, women went out to work, looked after home and children and, sometimes elderly parents. But then of course we did not have the large benefits which are given to families today.

There are far too many able-bodied young women in Blackburn idly staying at home with plenty of time on their hands (children or no children) who could go out to work and contribute to the running of this country.

But they choose to live off the backs of the ones who work.

I blame the government for this for making it so easy for them to stay at home and, the husbands and partners of these 'won't work' women or maybe some of these women are not allowed to work by their husbands or partners in case their domestic comforts are upset. No doubt a lot of them are waited on hand and foot.

The government should find jobs for people who won't find them for themselves, and, if they don't have a very good reason not to take up the job when one is found, the benefits should be stopped.

H HAMER, Lowther Place, Blackburn.