A BLITZ on crime and burglary in Burnley is being carried out by a team of Lancashire County Council officials and community safety partners in the town.

The county council has closed 28 alleyways in Burnley so that gates can be erected to prevent local youths and yobs hanging around late at night.

The schemes is designed to benefit terraced properties suffering some of the highest rates of burglary.

County Coun Jean Yates, Lancashire's cabinet member for highways and transportation, said: "This is a large scale scheme in anyone's terms.

"Most of the alleys were adopted highways which needed closing to allow gates to be erected.

"We have worked hard to assist the local Community Safety Partnership in developing the scheme and look forward to rolling out the same approach in other areas of the county."

Coun Anne Brown, the cabinet member for community and partnerships, added: "Alleygates are supported by the county council following positive evaluation in other areas of the country.

"They can help achieve our crime reduction objectives and help people feel safe. They can also lead to environmental improvements and improve quality of life for communities."

County council officials successfully obtained the closures from Burnley magistrates following lengthy discussions with partners and Government Departments on the legal procedures for gating alleys. Five further applications are due to be heard next week.