AN APPEAL for Pendle Council to clamp down on a rat run before "some young child is killed" has come from a group of residents.

At a meeting of the Nelson Committee. David Foster, chairman of the Cloverhill Residents' Action Group, presented a petition signed by 36 worried residents,

He said that residents in Pilgrim Street wanted traffic-calming measures and access-only signs to prevent drivers speeding down the road to avoide rush-hour traffic.

Mr Foster told the meeting: "It beggars belief that traffic travelling up Brunshaw Street turns up Pilgrim Street then drives back down.

"When the factory units are closing there is a noticeable difference in the amount of cars. It seems to be a race.

"We hope you will look at this request favourably before some young child is killed."

A report on the issue will go before the May meeting of the Nelson Committee.