A GROUP of campaigning youngsters from a Colne housing estate is to give a presentation to local politicians to get support for its project.

The North Valley Sports Group was set up by young people on the estate who were fed up of the lack of facilities. They sent a petition to Pendle Council in April last year and since then have held meetings and workshops to discuss their needs and start preparing an action plan.

About 16 children have attended each session and they have formed a properly constituted campaign group.

The group, with members from nine to 17 years old, is hoping to raise more than £100,000 to go towards a multi-purpose sports area, a bike and skate park and a youth shelter. The campaign began because children had been using grassed areas at the end of Birtwistle Avenue to create skate ramps, which the council removed.

A meeting was organised with the youngsters after they sent in a petition and the group was formed. It will hold a further workshop meeting at the North Valley Community Centre on April 27 to discuss funding.

Members will give a presentation to local councillors at a meeting of the Colne Committee next Thursday.

A report from housing management officer Jane Maloney states: "This group has shown commitment to helping to provide play facilities in the North Valley area."