HAS anyone ever wondered what CND is really up to?

For reasons known only to themselves, 'peace protest-ors' from Lancaster and District CND are once again planning to march on Menwith Hill to protest about the US presence.

Since the anti-war brigade decided on behalf of the rest of us that America is now the enemy, US bases have become soft targets.

Eye-bulging members of CND scream 'terrorists' and 'murderers' at servicemen's wives and children, but not, of course, at the terrorists and murderers themselves.

Recently, demonstrators condoned international terrorism and lay belly-up in the face of it by protesting about the war against Saddam.

Surely, even they must realise that their confused philosophy can have no place in a world where terrorists and the regimes that harbour them still exist.

Of course no-one wants war - especially those of us who are old enough to have had our fair share. In the light of recent events, the latest hysterical blathering by CND would be laughable if it was not so traitorous.

Menwith Hill has nothing to do with the 'deployment of offensive weaponry in outer space'. The purpose of the base is defensive and, like similar bases around the world, it is predominantly a listening station operating, in this case, in conjunction with British intelligence.

My advice to members of Lancaster and District CND is to stay at home, do something useful around the house and let Britain's democratically elected leaders deal with the defence of the country.

David Flaxington, Heysham.