IREAD with surprise the letters in the recent edition of your paper about readers having difficulty understanding why Blackburn with Darwen Council have introduced - some 12 months ago - an alternate weekly collection service for recycled materials.

You readily hear about the amount of landfill space diminishing and also the drive by Europe to increase recycling, so it is common sense to see why it has been introduced.

It's obvious that to empty the grey bins weekly as well as empty the recycled materials, either weekly or once every two weeks, will put a lot more on the council tax, which I'm sure that those complaining would not want to pay for.

Providing the householders do as the council advise with the rubbish they produce, they should have no problem controlling their waste and fitting it in the bins, boxes, bags provided or in a compost bin which is provided free.

However, it is all about changing your habits - you do have a choice - we all need to cut down on waste.

So we all have a responsibility to reduce waste and make sure we contribute to the environment, rather than saying, "I agree with recycling but..."

The but is from those who are all talk and no action.

RANA A JABAR, Palatine Road, Blackburn.