MOUNT Zion Church held special Easter celebrations over the weekend including a service on Good Friday which was followed by a picnic lunch for young children or a walk around the Cliviger Gorge for the older ones. A youth event was also held in the evening.

THE Rev Lawrence Laycock has accepted the invitation of the Bishop to become area dean of Burnley. The duties of the post include regular meetings of the clergy of the 12 parishes in the deanery and advising and helping churchwardens of parishes without a parish priest.

The service of licensing will be held on Sunday, April 18 at 6.30pm in St John's Church, Worsthorne.

FUND-raising for the restoration of the lych gate at St John's Church in Cliviger is continuing, with the fund standing at around £1,600 at present. The recent table top sale contributed £330, and plans are afoot to hold another soon after Easter.

THE annual meeting of St John's Church will be held on Wednesday, April 21 at 7.30pm at church/school.

AT their meeting in March, Mothers' Union members heard an account of a pilgrimage to Jerusalem by Mrs D Ashton and her husband. They went to Tiberius, out into the desert, and swam in the Dead Sea.

This month's meeting will include a talk about St James. Anyone who is interested in attending meetings can obtain details on 431903.

CLIVIGER Guides raised £71.65 for Church funds by providing toasted tea cakes after the Family Service in March, a raffle was also held during the gathering. The Guides would like to thank Duncan Lees for helping them to raise this amount by providing the tea cakes, as on many previous occasions.