A NEW service to support isolated, elderly people on a Blackburn estate is being launched this weekend.

The group, known as NAG101, which stands for Neighbourhood Action Group 101, will help over-50s get out and about.

NAG101 will be based in a flat on Stonyhurst Road - number 101 - and will support people at local addresses.

The group will help organise activities including coffee mornings, bingo, and offer advice on everything from housing to electricity.

Organiser Muriel Black said: "If people have got a problem with their home or electricity, or if people are in debt, we can get someone in to talk to them. There will be meetings, we are hoping at least once a month, with the council, Twin Valley Homes, and the police.

"It's to get people out of their homes, and to get to know their neighbours as well."

An open day will launch the group on Saturday from 10am to 1pm. There will be health checks with staff available from Montague Health Centre, a table top sale and refreshments.

The group was set up with help from the council and Twin Valley Homes, but it is hoped that within six months residents will be able to take over the project themselves, including fundraising and recruitment.

Councillor Mohammed Khan, executive member for housing and neighbourhoods, will attend the open day.

He said: "This project is all about building confidence of people aged over 50 in the community by working together with partner agencies.

"They will have control but will also be able to get support if they need it."