VIOLENT crime in South Ribble rose by more than 50 per cent in the last year, according to crime figures published this week.

But police at Southern Division, Lancastergate, say there has been no real increase and the apparent rise is due to the new way crimes are recorded.

Steve Watson, operations manager for the division, said: "The violent crime figures are wholly out of sync with the evidence we have collected.

"The National Crime Recording Standards (NCRS), which were introduced last year, are still having a significant impact on figures.

"They determined that very low levels of violent crime such as, for example a scuffle between two brothers, are recorded.

"We have been checking A&E admissions and calls to the communications centre and all the corroborative analysis indicates there is no actual increase in levels of violent crime."

South Ribble showed promising progress in other areas over the past year with figures for other crimes decreasing or standing still.

South Ribble recorded a 20 per cent drop in car thefts and a dramatic 42 per cent decrease in the number of robberies which is a 15-year-low, and well below the rest of Southern Division, including Chorley and West Lancashire.

Bill Evans, South Ribble councillor and chair of the Community Safety Partnership in the borough, supported police claims.

He said: "Southern Division is leading the way with positive crime reporting.

"It will seem worse before it gets better but they need a few years behind them with this new recording system to be able to see the true figures and give them a base line to work off.

"They targeted burglaries in particular and the massive drop shows how effective that has been and the continuing good work they are doing."

Superintendent Watson echoed Mr Evans' said: "The staff are very committed to delivering a good quality of service.

"I have also been very impressed by the way they take all crimes that do occur in South Ribble very personally."

VIOLENT crime in South Ribble has gone up more than 50 per cent in the last year, it was revealed this week.

But police at Southern Division, Lancastergate, say there has been no actual increase and blamed the rise on the way crimes now has to be recorded.

Steve Watson, operations manager for the division, said: "The violent crime figures are wholly out of sync with the evidence we have collected.

"The National Crime Recording Standards (NCRS), which were introduced last year, are still having a significant impact on figures.

"They determined that very low levels of violent crime such as, for example a scuffle between two brothers, are recorded.

"We have been checking A&E admissions and calls to the communications centre and all the corroborative analysis indicates there is no actual increase in levels of violent crime."

Despite a 54 per cent increase in violent crime, South Ribble, showed promising progress in other areas over the past year with other crime figures decreasing or standing still.

South Ribble performed particularly well with a 20 per cent drop in car thefts and a dramatic 42 percent decrease, a 15-year-low, in the number of robberies blasting the rest of Southern Division, including Chorley and West Lancs, out of the water.

Bill Evans, South Ribble councillor and chair of the Community Safety Partnership in the borough, supported police claims.

He said: "Southern Division are leading the way with positive crime reporting with Northampton constabulary.

"It will seem worse before it gets better but they need a few years behind them with this new recording system to be able to see the true figures and give them a base line to work off.

"They targeted burglaries in particular and the massive drop shows how effective that has been and the continuing good work they are doing."

Superintendent Watson echoed Mr Evans' comments: "The staff are very committed to delivering a good quality of service and I have been very impressed that they take every crime that occurs in South Ribble very personally."