DAVID Flaxington asked 'what is CND really up to' (Citizen, April 8). Allow me to inform him.

For several decades CND has campaigned against the possession or use of nuclear and all other weapons of mass destruction. Our method has always been non-violent.

Members do not scream at servicemen's wives and children and do not target America as 'the enemy' - though we profoundly disagree with aspects of US foreign policy.

We have never condoned terrorism. We condemn terrorist acts by any individual, group or government and maintain that terrorism cannot be vanquished by attacks which cause huge numbers of deaths among innocent civilians of all ages and result in a desire for revenge.

The causes of terrorism, such as injustice and abject poverty, must be addressed by the wealthy nations in order to cure the disease rather than kill the patient.

As for Menwith Hill, yes it is a listening post. It can listen to phone calls from your home, business or mobile and it can read all your e-mail. It can be used for industrial espionage as well as for tracking the movement of enemy forces.

It is also intended to destroy missiles aimed at the US. The system is scientifically and technologically challenging and immensely expensive. It is all part of the US military's aim of 'full spectrum dominance' on land, sea and in the air - and now in space and information.

Mr Flaxington advises us to stay at home and do something useful around the house. Yes, we do that as well as campaigning against weapons of mass destruction.

Our children and elderly relatives are all cared for and our homes and gardens will bear inspection.

Audrey Harland, Lancaster District CND.