A FIVE-FOOT long iguana called Magnus has been stolen from a home in Ramsbottom.

Magnus, who is orange with black stripes, was taken from a shed in a back garden in Estbank Road. The iguana, who will eventually grow to be seven feet long and will live for around 25 years, is likely to bite and can spread the salmonella bacteria.

His owner, John Russell (37), a bank worker, has been caring for Magnus for more than a year after he learned that the then owner was going to put him down because he was unable to cope with his growth rate.

He said: "I am extremely worried for Magnus as the thieves have only taken a couple of heating lamps and left all the other equipment which is essential for him to survive.

"Magnus has a very powerful bite. He can spread the salmonella bacteria. Anyone bitten should seek medical attention."

Police are urging the thieves to call 0161 872 5050.