THIS month's meeting of Cliviger Parish Council was held on Friday in the village hall.

Among items discussed was the money available to spend in the parish from Burnley Council capital opportunities fund. It was decided to allocate £3,000 for 'Welcome to Cliviger' signs, £1,200 for Christmas lights in the Mereclough/Red Lees area and £1,000 for landscaping/bulb planting to improve the visual impression of the parish.

COUNCILLORS were told that the de-trunking of the A646 has been delayed, and will now probably take place next year.

THE council voted to support the adoption of the access road to the village hall, to help the creation of a car park for the hall, for which funding has been obtained.

THE Highways Agency has suggested that the A646 from Station Road to the end of St John's churchyard be made a 'no parking' area, to alleviate problems at the beginning and end of the school day.

PROPOSALS have also been put forward to make access for buses easier in Park Road near the post office. These could include permit-only parking.