HE USED to be the World's Strongest Man but Dave Gauder also revealed a sensitive side when he visited East Lancashire yesterday.

He taught youngsters at Fearns High School, in Stacksteads, how to stand up to bullies after being tormented himself at school.

The Birmingham strongman, known as Big Dave, also impressed pupils when he pulled a double decker bus across the school yard.

Carmel Woods, Year 7 co-ordinator, said: "The children were amazed by what Dave had to say. He told them he had pulled Concorde a jumbo jet and the Bullet train in Japan.

"He decided to do this after being bullied himself at school his motto is 'never say can't'.

"The children really took that on board."

Dave also visited Primet High School, in Colne, earlier that morning to give its students the same anti-bullying presentation.