THE NHS in East Lancashire is to host a national conference to celebrate good practice in local health services.

Tomorrow's conference at Queen's Park Hospital, Blackburn, will showcase examples of innovative ways of improving patient care and access to services.

One example will be a project at East Lancashire Hospital Trust, which runs the region's main hospitals, that uses theatre as a training tool for staff and to improve customer care.

Ann-Marie Coyne, director of organisational development for the Teaching Primary Care Trust for East Lancashire, said: "NHS staff are rightly proud of what they have to offer, whilst recognising that there is always room for improvement.

"Celebrating good practice in health care and diversity in East Lancashire communities, this conference gives us the chance to showcase the many fresh approaches to health care being adopted across East Lancashire."

The conference, which starts at 9.45am, has been organised by the Teaching Primary Care Trust, with help from colleagues in hospitals and primary care services.