A TEENAGE disco is to be held every fortnight in a bid to tackle juvenile nuisance and raise awareness of the dangers of cigarettes and alcohol.

The 'Awareness' event for under-18s at Darwen's Privilege Nightclub aims to reduce the number of teenagers hanging around the town centre and street corners by providing them with something to do.

Alcohol and cigarettes will be banned at the discos, which start on Thursday, May 13, and run from 7pm to 10pm.

Sgt Ian Hanson, of Darwen Police, said: "It is a very useful initiative and an example of the police working in partnership with the local community to reduce juvenile nuisance. I hope it succeeds.

"It will give juveniles somewhere to spend their time where they can be supervised and everyone can have a good time."

Nightclub manager Reg Gorton said: "By giving teenagers a safe and friendly party atmosphere we are helping the community by trying to give young adults a sense of responsibility for themselves and their friends.

"All customers will be searched on entry and cigarettes and alcohol will not be permitted."

The club has linked up with the Dance Factory, a company set up in 1991 to provide a professional service to the nightclub industry, for the event.

Gareth Dallimer, from the company, said: "We will make each event unique in its own right by holding numerous competitions, chances to listen and dance to all the latest music and to watch a selection of artists we will be providing at the venue."