VOLUNTEERS helping to keep tidy the church yard at St Anne's, Turton, have appealed for help from villagers.

A group of a dozen people voluntarily give up their spare time to look after the grounds and keep them up to a high standard.

Old gardening equipment was getting shabby and new equipment to replace old worn out stock has been bought.

But the equipment was not cheap and the group is hoping people in Turton will help them to keep on top of the grounds by contributing to the cost.

They would also welcome any physical help which people can offer on Saturday mornings, from 10am.

Tea and biscuits will be provided in 'payment' for their help.

Anyone willing to donate to the churchyard fund should hand contributions, in an envelope clearly marked 'Churchyard', to the vicar, the Rev Martin Short, or any of the wardens, including Stephen Hobson and Pauline Kirk.

For further details, Mr Short can be contacted on 01204 852222.