THE 2003-04 season is the Burnley Garrick Club's 75th season.

To mark this milestone a season of special plays has been chosen for the club to perform. The fifth play of the season is the intimate comedy Private Lives by Noel Coward, directed by Dorothy Spencer.

Sybil and Elyot arrive at a hotel in France for their honeymoon.

Amanda, Elyot's first wife, happens to take the adjoining suite with her new husband Victor.

On meeting Amanda and Elyot elope, but together they veer between happiness and bickering which turns into physical fighting.

Performances are at the Burnley Mechanics, at 7.30pm nightly from Wednesday, May 12, to Saturday, May 15. For tickets (priced between £3.50 and £6) contact the box office on (01282) 664400.