BLACKBURN brewery Thwaites is more than a year into its marketing plan aimed at achieving a resurgence in cask ale sales spearheaded by the Lancaster Bomber.

And according to Witch Ale, the East Lancashire branch of the Campaign for Real Ale (Camra), brewery figures show that 59 per cent of tied houses stock real ale and that 27 per cent stock Lancaster Bomber.

However, Camra's figures for Burnley reveal that only three out of the 16 Thwaites' pubs sell cask beer and that no pub in the centre of Burnley sells real ale.

Camra also says that these percentages hide the plight of lovers of Thwaites Dark Mild.

They estimate that there are a mere 12 outlets in East Lancashire offering the brew, considered by many to be the brewery's best product.

Thwaites' marketing plan has included giving Cask Bitter, Dark Mild, Lancaster Bomber and Thoroughbred their own brand of glassware.

Landlords are being asked to group handpumps together in the middle of the bar to encourage sales and promotions have included a 'try before you buy' offer and scratch cards.