CONTROVERSIAL plans to introduce car parking charges in Rawtenstall have been delayed after opposition from residents and traders.

Rossendale Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committee has been asked to look into the issue after the Executive Committee voted to defer the decision following protests.

The council had planned to bring in the charges and residents- only parking schemes in July to coincide with the council taking control of parking enforcement from police traffic wardens.

In a report to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee ahead of its meeting on Tuesday, May 11, officers have recommended that members agree to delay the introduction of both schemes to give them time to analyse the results of the on-going consultation exercise and the results of a survey of bus users and a survey of town centre car parks.

The committee will then make recommendations to the Executive Committee on the charges, residents-only parking schemes and other proposed traffic management measures, including the introduction of a one-way system in Bank Street and the feasibility of a starting a park and ride scheme.

The debate over car parking charges has raged in public consultation meetings and in the council chamber since the proposals were announced earlier this year.

If paid-for parking is introduced it could lead to motorists being charged up to £4 a day to park on the council's four main sites - Newchurch Road, Phipps Buildings, off Bank Street, and areas near the town hall, including Kay Street.

In a report to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee it states that a delay in the introduction of car parking charges may have an impact on the £50,000 the council has estimated it will get in 2004/2005.

But the decision to delay has been welcomed by Rossendale's Confident Communities organisation, formed by local community groups to help improve the borough.

In the report a spokesman for the organisation states: "Deferring the introduction of car parking charges will enable further consultation and survey work to be undertaken, which will mean further involvement of local people in the decision-making process."