COUN Philip Walsh was reassured by County CounSteve Large that Lancashire County Council had no plans to build the new Towneley School on Fulledge Recreation Ground .

It was more than likely that the new school would be built on Lower Towneley Playing Fields as this land was owned by Lancashire County Council.

Coun Large explained to the parish council the current position with regard to Building Schools for the Future and the proposal that pupils would be allocated to schools on a pre-determined specific geogrphic locality basis with parental choice still being an important factor in the decision-making.

According to the map in the consultation document produced by the county council, children from Worsthorne would be able to access the new Towneley School.

Several parish councillors expressed concern that it appeared the majority of Asian schoolchildren would end up at Barden School and they wondered whether segregation of the community at this age was in the best interests of Burnley.

THE Men's Group Annual Dinner takes place on Saturday at Colne Golf Club.

DOG dirt is building up on Swain Lane to such an extent that it is becoming most unpleasant and difficult to walk along the lane. It would be appreciated if dog owners would remember to take a plastic bag with them when walking their dog so that they can then scoop up any mess and pop it in the bin.

COUN David Edwards reported that engineers had confirmed that new glass for the bus shelter outside the school had been ordered.

He attended his last parish council as a borough councillor and he was thanked by the chairman for all the work he had done for the Parish over his term of office.

Coun Edwards said he had enjoyed being a borough councillor but the pressures of work was leaving him less time to devote to serving others. He thanked the parish councillors for their help and assistance over the past few years.

COUN Philip Walsh reported that Biffa were still failing to meet the requirement of their contract to replace the wheelie bins after emptying. Numerous villagers had complained that the bins were left all over the place by Biffa.

Complaints had also been received about the blue boxes. The clerk is to report this matter to Environmental Health.