RESIDENTS in Rossendale are being encouraged to put forward their ideas for a shake-up of local housing.

Rossendale Borough Council is planning its strategy by carrying out a consultation process.

It will consist of fact sheets, presentations and a questionnaire to obtain people's views.

Gary Parsons, housing research and strategy officer, said: "The housing strategy is extremely important.

"And it is essential that as many opinions as possible are received through the consultation events.

"This will enable the final strategy to reflect what the public see as their priorities for housing within Rossendale."

The consultation events have not been arranged yet, but are planned to take place in the forthcoming weeks.

Future dates will be published.

For a questionnaire, or further information about the housing strategy, people can contact Mr Parsons, at the housing market renewal and strategy unit, Rawtenstall Town Hall, on 01706 217777.